How we continue/more/not to meet each other
A series of events on the crisis of the public sphere and politics, on possibilities and spaces for dialogue, on drifting apart concepts of knowledge and the world, on attempts at mediation and on the question of what role art could play in all of this.
Utopian Institution KVL
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Photo: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Foto: Andre Germar
Utopian Institution KVL - Anike Joyce Sadiq. Kunstverein Langenhagen 2024. Photo: Andre Germar
Walk: stroll, look, discover, talk with Dagmar Schimdt
Free space for thoughts and buildings #7
Cooking and talking
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
Cooking and talking about free play, the ideas and backgrounds of free space for thoughts and buildings as well as mediation and pedagogy
summer party
Workshop: Come As You Are! – Empowerment in Community Dance
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
Come as you arePatricia Carolin Mai©HannaNaske
with Patricia Caroline Mai - Dancing empowers and brings people together. In this workshop we will explore the body as a central repository of memories. No previous dance experience required. All people with all bodies and stories are welcome. Participation free of charge and possible without registration.
Cooking and talking
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
Cooking and talking about institutional possibilities, expectations, mediation and participation, increasingly restrictive cultural policies and more with Carlota Gómez (Curator, Kunstverein Hannover) and Jule Hillgärtner (Artistic Director Science & Art Lab, TU Braunschweig)
Cooking and talking
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
Cooking and talking with Martina Vollmer (head of the open painting workshop at KRH Psychiatry Langenhagen) about the painting workshop model and psychiatry and art in general
Talk with Nomaduma Rosa Masilela
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
Nomaduma Rosa Masilela (c) 2018 Liz Johnson Artur
In their talk, Nomaduma will discuss their own projects and curatorial practice - looking at their ongoing interest in the fractal nature of human relations and cosmologies, and their complicities and conflicts. They will adopt the artist-scholar Denise Ferreria da Silva's methodology of "re/de/composition" to return to their own unfinished artistic research project about a collective public and performance art movement, in order to collectively unpack the assumptions that are woven into our questions, and imagine methodologies how not to entrap ourselves and others in the institutions that already live within us.
Nomaduma Rosa Masilela is a transdisciplinary artist, curator, and writer engaged in collective work, strategy, and ludic play; the related and respective ephemera of exile and xenophobia; and the ambivalent natures of authenticity, history, and identity production. Masilela organizes these ideas in objects, words, gatherings/workshops, exhibitions, site specific interventions, and long-term research projects. Masilela holds a Masters from Columbia University in New York, and has had an extensive international curatorial and written practice.
Pitching – Workshop
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
Due to illness, the workshop has been cancelled. A new date will be defined soon,
The pitching workshop is about getting to know a more accessible approach to performance and beyond (in order to be able to transform yourself on stage or in everyday life). Together with Juliet you can explore and try out hysterical facets of your voice.
Juliet Meding (sie / she) studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim, positions herself as a crip and works between performance, music and mediation. In 2023, together with the constellation ANTISEPT, she realised the performance ANTIGONE pitched.
Participation free of charge and with registration or drop-in
Cooking and talking and members' bar
Lecture and discussion on the aesthetics of the antisocial
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
Lecture and discussion on the aesthetics of the antisocial On the peculiar relationship between contemporary art, which continues to be characterised by its bourgeois character, and the poorest social classes and the questions that arise from this. With Steffen Zillig (artist, Hamburg)
Walk through Langenhagen
In the context of How we continue/more/not to meet each other
from 14:00 Walk: Stroll, look, discover, talk - from the old centre of Langenhagen, exploring the new centre to the Kunstverein with Dagmar Schmidt (artist, Langenhagen), meeting point at the Elisabethkirche in Langenhagen
from 16:00 Lecture and discussion on mediation between the fields of art, education and political education with Rahel Puffert (artist, professor at the HBK Braunschweig) at the Kunstverein Langenhagen